~Romance with a sparkling twist~
The Keltic Multiverse

Candy Guy and the Chocolate Brownie
A short story
Who better to assist a struggling chocolatier than a Brownie?
Candy Guy is in trouble. Winning a design contest will prove his abilities as a chocolatier, but creativity eludes him. An enchanting intruder invades Trace’s workspace. She may be real, or she might be a dream. It doesn’t matter. Desire consumes him at her lingering touch and the deep chocolate flavor of her kiss.
Deleesi hopes to end the ancient fey curse haunting her family, but the handsome wisher defies her sleep-inducing magic. Something about this human calls to her soul, and, unbelievably, to her heart. The sensual distraction proves impossible to ignore, even while granting his unspoken wish.
By the end of the rainy afternoon, Trace has his inspiration. But will he ever again see the tiny woman who captivated his heart and became his muse?